Sunday, May 23, 2010

Slow Weekends

Being here on the weekends has been a big lesson for me in slowing down. A weekend for us was always packed with getting house projects done and both of us getting out to get some exercise. It felt like we did a lot of tag team parenting on the weekend days so we could each get things done and then we would all spend the evenings together. Now there aren't unfinished projects or a dirty house staring us in the face, and the pace has slowed down considerably. Here's a little glimpse of our weekend days:

Kalyn is an early riser, so we spend a little time in the apartment until around 8 when Fred is getting up. We pick him up some juice and fruit to take his meds with and give him a 2 year old wake up visit. There is no such thing as get up and rush out of the hospital. We have to wait for the nurse to bring his morning meds by, and getting dressed is slower when you have broken ribs, scapula and clavicle. We head over to the apartment and have a little breakfast and coffee. Today we went out to breakfast at a local place with some friends that live nearby.

To try and wear Kalyn out so she will nap, I like to take her to a park. There are numerous parks nearby. Kalyn describes parks by the color of their equipment, so today we went to the green park. It is funny and a little frustrating at the park because Fred seems overly cautious about Kalyn's safety at the park. He is worried about her falling off things that she is completely capable of doing on her own, yet he doesn't see that he can't do everything.

I'm happy when I get Kalyn to take a nap, and it's a good time for Fred to rest while she sleeps. Naptime is a wonderful time for me to have some real quiettime. The afternoons are generally mellow in the apartment and then we figure something out for dinner. I think tonight will be Whole Foods!

That's about it. Quite a different pace than what we are used to at home, but slowing down in life is not a bad thing, and when I feel myself getting frustrated that something is taking so long, I have to realize that there isn't anywhere else I'm supposed to be right now.

1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since my last "comment". Just need thank you for your incredible and dedicated blogs. I share them with my family (yours too).

    You have a gift for writing. Your words tell me that you are beautiful as a wife and Mom and so thoughtful of others. You seem to have the key to life's secrets.

    It's good to know Christl and Val were able to visit. Wonder if they are still there.

    You know, Fred has helped so many others already it's his turn to be accepting without a feeling of obligation now. His opportunity to do for others will come around again in ways not imaginable today, and he will do a great job.

    ....and slowing down? That's OK. I was born two weeks late and have been slow since. Seems like I get to see, smell and feel more things than some others. Life is beautiful.

    Heidi van Hulst
