Saturday, June 26, 2010


We're home! It was a nice drive today with no major drama. We were all in good spirits, and Kalyn could feel the excitement as we pulled into Durango. From her perspective of having Fred be gone for two months, she is acting like he needs to be reacquainted with the whole house and all of her toys. Lucky for her, he is happy to play along. Our biggest drama for the day was Kalyn peed on our bed during her nap and the dog peed outside when he saw Fred. After the last two months, I'll take those as the big dramas for the day!

It feels so good to be back in our happy home. We are together, healthy, happy and where we belong. You can't ask for much else in life!


  1. Welcome home! Remember, a little pee never hurt anyone! :-)

  2. SO glad you are all home safely! Can't wait to see you guys soon. We missed Fred at the race...

    xo, Jenny & fam

  3. Welcome home. I am looking forward to having Fred at the desk next to mine in the near future.

    Jenna, thank you for this blog. It has made following your journey through this life crisis a shared experience for everyone that is close to your family.


  4. So happy you guys are home!!!!
